Code Red Lockdown

Winnipeg during Lockdown.

This is what I did during the first pandemic lockdown…compact punchy emotional oil paintings. Winnipeg winter 2020 - 2021.

Motifs of the house as confinement, the fridge as a timepiece, Zoom class as transportation, and us as squirrely beings emerged. Daily paintings came from events that happened or concepts about the lockdown. I translated ideas into pencil sketches that were then transferred into oil painting and posted on Instagram.

Paint application with a variety of brushes: Deerfoot, triple zero round, fan, flat, fluffy blender, and palette knife allowed for thick fresh areas, tiny cared for detail areas, and soft smeary areas. The hard smooth surface of the gesso board retained my many choices of brushwork.

The 5" by 7" format allowed for experimentation due to easy storage and economic happiness.

Lockdown is emotionally tough. Watching the numbers of covid-19 cases fluctuate, hearing of deaths and long-term health effects, wondering if I or my loved ones will catch it, the stress of reduced finances, teaching remotely and remote learning for my 3 teens all built an emotionally intense stew that needed to be filtered through and let out in my art. My art practice is mostly in the moment abstract journaling. What was going on during Code Red and the dailiness of this series let me express the multifaceted repercussions of Code Red over an extended period of time in a humorous thought-provoking voice.