
I painted the idea of an abandoned wedding table and what happens to it after. Wildlife might move into the space. It is a prairie landscape, a feminine prairie of pinks in winter. 


Winter 1, acrylic on birch board panel 2' x 4' 1992


winter 2, acrylic on mahogany panel 2' x 4' 1992


Winter 3, acrylic on birch 2' x 4' 1993

Winter__4 BrennaGeorge.jpg

Winter 4, acrylic on birch board panel 2' x 4' 1993


Winter 5, acrylic on birch board panel 2' x 4' 1993

 Like most all of my art this series, Winter, has an element of autobiography to it. I was in a relationship and we built a house together on 80 acres in a hay field outside of Osler, Saskatchewan. I lived there for 2 years . He kept breaking up with me and getting back together. At one point he broke up with me in the fall and I stayed alone in the house all winter alone, no electricity. I did a lot of painting, cross country skiing and foraging for firewood. I painted this series that winter. 

The landscape is the view out of my window. Christmas came and I decorated the cabin with paper cut out chains. I used these as stencils in the paintings.  I used cardboard boxes for an easel and used photos from cookbooks as source images for the fancy cookies and deserts. It was a sunny spot to paint in. I liked how the days flowed into one and another and how the paintings flowed into one another too.
